Do you want to feel less stress and more peace and calm throughout your day? It’s possible for you to change your stress to a peaceful state of inner happiness. It doesn’t depend on what’s happening in your life or what others are doing. It’s a state of mind that you can cultivate within yourself no matter what’s happening.

So that when challenging situations arise and things get wonky, you can maintain a sense of calm without spiraling down into stress and frustration. So that at the end of the day, you feel good about yourself and not depleted. So that everyone around you feels better.

I’ve created some resources to help you. Try a few of these and see what happens.

If you feel like you need to talk, feel free to schedule an appointment. I can help you work through what is getting in your way and create a self-care plan that works for you.

Jane Sheppard

  • Certified Peaceful Parenting Coach
  • Master Certification in the Jai Institute for Parenting Transformational Parenting Process
  • Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC)
  • National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
  • Epidemic Answers Health Coach
  • Somatic Awakening Practitioner
  • Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Certified Practitioner



Self Nurture List

Make a list of simple and easy things that you can do throughout your day that feel self-nurturing or energizing. When you make it a habit to tune into yourself throughout the day, regularly monitoring your mood and tending to your thoughts and feelings, you can adjust, rewind, and return to a feel-good state.

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Breathe Yourself into Calm Bliss

Making small changes to the way you breathe can help you feel better throughout your day. Practice these techniques to breathe yourself into a state of calm bliss.

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The One Thing that Brings You Joy

What energizes you and brings you joy? What is the one thing you can do that always makes you feel better and would make a big difference in your life if you did it every day? Make a promise to yourself that you will begin today to do what brings you joy.

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Sanctuary of Peace Meditation

Use this short, guided meditation to ground yourself and create your own healing, peaceful sanctuary. You’ll create your own special place that you can come back to whenever you feel yourself out of sorts and you need peace.

Click to Listen or Download

Self-Love Meditation

What is the most healing and transformative thing that can truly change your inner and outer world? Self-Love. I’ve recorded this short meditation to help you to tap into this great love for yourself.

Click to Listen or Download