Solve Your Kids Behavior and Chronic Health Issues

Solve Your Kids Behavior and Chronic Health Issues

Does your child have behavior challenges, a chronic health condition and/or developmental challenges? You’re not alone. The number of kids with behavior challenges or affected by one of the “new childhood epidemics” (anxiety, ADHD/ADD, allergies, asthma, autism, depression, obesity) is alarming.  I have so much compassion for you if you’re dealing with these struggles. It’s…

EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System

EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System: Why It’s the Best

If you or your children have chemical sensitivities, allergies, asthma or other breathing problems, or you simply desire a healthier indoor environment, we highly recommend the EnviroKlenz Air Purifiers. What makes the EnviroKlenz Mobile Air Purifier System different from other air purifiers? The 2-stage filter system doesn’t just filter airborne toxins, it neutralizes and destroys…

You Are More Than Enough

You Are More Than Enough

Are you feeling responsible for too many things in your life? Does it seem like everyone is depending on you? Do you have high expectations of yourself and feel like you never seem to measure up? Give yourself a break. Give up trying to be perfect, it’s never going to happen. There is no such…

Heartbreaking and Happy News

Heartbreaking and Happy News

I’ll begin with the sad news and then move on to what is happy and good. After 23 years, we have closed the Healthy Child online retail store. We love the products and the wonderful people who continue to make the products. However, it’s not sustainable to keep it going in this continual economic decline….

Transition to sleeping own big kid bed

Organic Kids Mattress – A Guide to Choosing the Best Organic Mattress for Kids

One of the most important decisions a parent can make is choosing the best mattress for kids, and more importantly – an organic kids mattress. In shopping for an organic kids mattress, price and comfort may be your top priorities. But did you know that even organic mattresses can have toxicity issues? Since your kids…

how to get kids to listen

How to Get Kids to Listen

Do you wonder how to get kids to listen to you? How many times do you say something to your child that gets completely ignored? Sometimes you end up yelling before you are heard and then everyone feels bad. It’s extremely frustrating and upsetting. It makes your job as a parent much more difficult when…