Natural Cleaning Products – An Alternative to Toxic Cleaners

Natural Cleaning Products – An Alternative to Toxic Cleaners

Everyday cleaning products can contain numerous chemicals that are not safe for anyone, but especially babies and young children. Natural cleaning products are a better alternative to these toxic cleaners. Breathing in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from cleaning products can cause irritation and inflammation in respiratory airways. Many of the chemicals in cleaning products can…

Are Physical Imbalances Affecting Your Child’s Brain and Behavior?

Are Physical Imbalances Affecting Your Child’s Brain and Behavior?

Underlying physiological imbalances are commonly overlooked causes of children’s behavior and developmental problems. These imbalances can sometimes be complex and difficult to detect and can certainly affect your child’s brain development and behavior – in both subtle and serious ways. If your child is experiencing attention deficit, anxiety, angry outbursts, aggression, depression, or serious behavior issues, take…

Allergy  and Asthma Prevention with a HEPA Air Purifier

Allergy and Asthma Prevention with a HEPA Air Purifier

Allergy and Asthma Prevention Allergies or asthma can be a miserable experience for your child (and for you, too). It’s difficult to see your child struggling with these symptoms: coughing sneezing congestion wheezing shortness of breath headaches tiredness Untreated allergies can lead to other illnesses such as ear infections and sinusitis, so it’s important to…

Authoritative Parenting or Permissive Parenting: Is there a better way?

Authoritative Parenting or Permissive Parenting: Is there a better way?

What’s the Best Way? Authoritative Parenting or Permissive Parenting? Neither. Let’s look into each form of parenting and determine what works best for lasting respect and cooperation from your kids. Authoritative Parenting This seems to be the most common way to parent – using punishment or rewards to get kids to behave. Many of us grew…