child's brain and behavior

Are Physical Imbalances Affecting Your Child’s Brain and Behavior?

Underlying physiological imbalances are commonly overlooked causes of children’s behavior and developmental problems. These imbalances can sometimes be complex and difficult to detect and can certainly affect your child’s brain development and behavior – in both subtle and serious ways. If your child is experiencing attention deficit, anxiety, angry outbursts, aggression, depression, or serious behavior issues, take…

GMO Health Risks

GMO Health Risks

What’ s wrong with GMOs? If someone tried to sell you an apple they “grew” in a laboratory—like Dr. Frankenstein’s monster—would you take it home and serve it to your family? Probably not. Especially if you have a non-Franken-apple, grown on a normal tree to eat instead. And even if you did consider buying it,…


Are GMOs Safe?

  These days, it seems like everyone has something to say about GMOs. On one side we have corporations claiming that GMOs are safe and no different from other foods. On the other side, there are non-profit and public policy organizations that are dedicated to shining light on the truth—that GMOs are far from safe…